Wednesday 27 June 2018

100 word challenge 3

Twisted gun photo

“The strongest man in the world.” “Yes Dad. That’s what the poster said!” Marie smiled. She didn’t have the heart to tell her son that the man was almost definitely not the strongest man in the world. “Alright Davy. I’ll take you to the circus.” The days past and soon it was time to see the circus. “Excited Davy?” his mother asked. “Yeah Dad! I can’t wait!” They walked into the big top tent. There was a big crowd. Davy waited impatiently for the strongman. Part of the man’s act was twisting the end of a gun. Marie had to admit that the man was good. As they were leaving they heard a gunshot. There was a crowd leaning over something. “Killed with his own gun.” Someone said. Marie hurried Davy away.

100 word challenge 2 had been raining all morning.

Kayla was bored. It had been raining all morning. Well raining wasn’t the best word. Storm was more accurate. Unfortunately, it was Kayla’s job to walk the dog. She grabbed the dogs lead and headed to the kitchen where Bella lay in her basket. “Bella! Here girl.” Then the battle started. Kayla tried calling Bella again. Nothing. Dragging Bella out of her bed. Zilch. Shaking the lead in front of Bella’s face. Zero. Tipping the basket over. Nada. “Fine you stupid dog.” Time for the last resort. Kayla grabbed the dog food out of the cupboard. “Come on Bella!” Finally movement! But the battle was only half over. Now she had to get the dog out the door.