Thursday 18 October 2018

100 word challenge 5

Ava sat at her desk, resting her head in her hands. How was she supposed to come up with a story and use the words bath, fighter, danced, orange and clumsily? What about a fire. Fires are orange, the flames dance, firefighters! ‘The orange flames danced as the fire fighter clumsily ran up the stairs and fell in the bath.’ Hmmm, maybe not. What about a dancer, they have bright costumes that could be orange, they dance obviously, maybe this one happens to be a fighter and clumsily takes a bath? Yeah, I don’t think so. This might take awhile.

Wednesday 27 June 2018

100 word challenge 3

Twisted gun photo

“The strongest man in the world.” “Yes Dad. That’s what the poster said!” Marie smiled. She didn’t have the heart to tell her son that the man was almost definitely not the strongest man in the world. “Alright Davy. I’ll take you to the circus.” The days past and soon it was time to see the circus. “Excited Davy?” his mother asked. “Yeah Dad! I can’t wait!” They walked into the big top tent. There was a big crowd. Davy waited impatiently for the strongman. Part of the man’s act was twisting the end of a gun. Marie had to admit that the man was good. As they were leaving they heard a gunshot. There was a crowd leaning over something. “Killed with his own gun.” Someone said. Marie hurried Davy away.

100 word challenge 2 had been raining all morning.

Kayla was bored. It had been raining all morning. Well raining wasn’t the best word. Storm was more accurate. Unfortunately, it was Kayla’s job to walk the dog. She grabbed the dogs lead and headed to the kitchen where Bella lay in her basket. “Bella! Here girl.” Then the battle started. Kayla tried calling Bella again. Nothing. Dragging Bella out of her bed. Zilch. Shaking the lead in front of Bella’s face. Zero. Tipping the basket over. Nada. “Fine you stupid dog.” Time for the last resort. Kayla grabbed the dog food out of the cupboard. “Come on Bella!” Finally movement! But the battle was only half over. Now she had to get the dog out the door.

Thursday 15 March 2018

Weekly Reflection 1.

This week some of the boys in my class were on the fixture so it was nice and quiet for once! (well, except Niamh) There were also opera auditions and I got a call back! (Whether that's good or bad I don't know) I also went to the Dio open day which was so fun. It was proof that there are so many opportunities waiting. In class we worked on analogies and we had a test in French. In maths I worked on my inquiry with Niamh and Kate. In choir we are working on a new Sanctus and a spanish song about a cat and a llama. Also, Miss Hart said that we should do a weekly reflection on our blog about what we learnt this week. That's pretty much everything I did this week.

Wednesday 14 February 2018

100 word challenge

Fallen city

My breath came in short, sharp bursts. My heart was pounding so hard I thought it would explode. The explosion had come so fast. Our school blown to pieces. It was all I could do to get my brother and I to safety. We ran so very fast. I wasn’t surprised. Syria was no longer the country I remembered vaguely from my childhood. We had moved far away from Aleppo when the war had begun but nowhere in Syria was completely safe anymore. In the distance I heard a teacher calling for all of the students. We ran out into the sunshine, surrounded by the remains of our broken city.

Thursday 19 October 2017

Last post of 2017

Last post of 2017

This term is going to be quite busy. Exams and athletics are coming up so I need to revise for exams and start training for athletics. Science is my favourite exam and hurdles are my favourite athletics event. Term 4 has been really fun so far but it's scary and exciting to think that after these coming holidays (only 8 weeks to go!) We will all be year 8's.

Thursday 24 August 2017


Hi everyone! Opera is really getting busy but it's so much fun and most days I'm getting out of maths!! The set looks amazing! I'm looking forward to the dress rehearsal. I've only seen two of my dresses, the one I wear in the village and the pink one. They both have cloaks and I wear a red cloak with the pink dress and it's so soft!Image result for grumpy cat